UPDATE ENGINE INSTALLED: Mk III Engine Overhaul big thread by 2sasilverbullet

By diyauto
( 2 )

3 minute(s) of a 82 minute read


Last minute preparations before putting it in the car.

Decided to leave the valve covers and oil pressure sending unit off to provide more clearance.

Here's the pics of the engine going in. First pic was about 9 am, last pic around 5 pm.

I'm the guy with the yellow gloves on, the guy in the red shirt is my neighbor that owns the shop. It was very helpful to have three bodies, four if you count my son taking the pictures.

Leaving the exhaust manifolds off was a good thing, left us lots of clearance to get the engine in. But getting the passenger side manifold bolted up was a chore.

I should be able to get it running this week. Will keep everyone updated as to the progress.

Oh yeah, worst bolt to remove/install was the bolt that holds the transmission dip stick tube to the engine! You need to be a contortionist and have small hands to get it on.

This was the smoothest engine install I've ever done! Much prayer went into the planning for this day!

SCARIEST picture ever! $5K engine hovering over my car... 
