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This topic is really cool to have sat down with Tommy Kirk of MacFab Beadlocks to cover. Everyone has their own theory on what wheel width with what tire to run. We get Tommy's take on it after helping with the fastest small tire and drag radial guys programs for the last couple decades as technology and the sport have evolved. Of course everyone tunes differently, but we hope this brings some valuable insight.
Whether you are running a 235 drag radial, a 275 radial, or the big boy RVW 315 this can be really helpful and likely bring some ideas and thought processes you may not have thought about before.
For quick reference:
235 Radial or 26x8.5 slick: 11" recommended
275 Radial like the Mickey Thompson pro: 12" wide (13 or 14" wide if running on a perfect track)
315 Radial (14" wide minimum)
Of course weight, power, and track conditions can call for some variations within these general rules of thumb!
Thanks for tuning in, see you guys next time!