Aluminum Wrap Dashboard and Passenger Fascia by sonicd0012

By diyauto
( 3 )

5 minute read

Aluminum Wrap Dashboard and Passenger Fascia like Mulliner 

Compliments of sonicd0012 @


So one day I sat in a 2013 Mulliner with the Aluminum dash and man does it look killer so i decided to put in my 2005. As much as these cars are perfection, the aluminum dash really makes it stand out and your eyes will absolutely love it. The lighting effects this has are amazing and will make your ride even better on the inside!

Of course I was not going to get someone to take my dash and make it a real aluminum( if you actually can? ) probably for anywhere at least over 2K$ so I did it in less than $50.00.
This material is not 3M and it does not stretch. It is the only material i have researched and found to be the closest match to the real deal and once installed you will not know its vinyl. It is good only on flat surfaces and it is not easy to work with to get it perfect. I originally gave it to a guy who does car wraps and later during the day decided that he did a crappy job and had to redo everything. Total time for perfection: 6 hours and lots of retries.

1."LongLife Silver Large Engine Turn Vinyl 24" x 10 FT"
Make sure you get the one that has the circle size of penny.
2. Art Exacto knife
3.Cement glue

1. You will have to remove the front dashboard. This is easy, just put your hands in the gauges area and wiggle/pull it will lift out eventually.
2. You will have to remove the passenger side fascia.
3. Once you have them both removed clean the surfaces with water and dry fully.
4. Turn over the dash/passenger fascia and unscrew then remove the vent assembly unit from the back of the dash. There are 3 bolts.
5. Unfortunately, to get this looking perfect there is no easy way so you will need to pry off all the gauge rings from the back of the dash as well as the rings (the pull lever thingy )for the air duct. You will need to remove them completely. They are all glued with cement and with a bit of force the old cement glue will pry off pretty easily/eventually.
6. Lay out your material vinyl face down on the floor and place your dash/fascia on the material then use your exacto knife to cut a rectangle shape giving yourself a few inches of vinyl from all sides of the dash/fascia.
7. Once you cut the material, lay your dash flat in an even surface as parallel to you as possible and visually try to allign the pattern so it carries straigh and even shapes all across the dash.
8. Peel off the backing of the material and carefully/slowly begin by placing it on the dash and using your fingers slowly adhece the vinul on the dash.
9. If you see a bubble try to flat it out/ if not, lift up the vinyl and retry.
10. Once everything is flat run your fingers around the gauge circles, this is where you will cut.
11.Using your exacto knife, cut around the edges of all gauge rings/around all edges as close as possible so no material is hanging off the edges. Repeat for all shapes except for the air vent. Angle your exacto knife so it cuts off all material next to the edges.
12. For air vent, unfortunately since the material cannot curve and will not hold, you will have to cut around the edges a bit so it lays evenly flat. You will see your wooden piece of the dash slightly but It is small and insignificant.
13. Once you are finished, re-glue the dash rings/vent ring and install the vent assembly and you are done : )

Enjoy pics : )
