Waking up little Suzie (SX4 content)

By diyauto
( 2 )

3 minute(s) of a 34 minute read


RRM definately does not * around! They build SX4's, but they also build a lot of really serious stuff, like the Pantera. Their Mitsu's are crazy too! They go from mild to full race wild too


First impressions:

I finally got Suzie back. I have to say that I'm not surprised how much fun it is to drive. I was worried about the Megan coilovers, but the handling is greatly improved over stock. The SX4's peppyness at low rpm, has not been impeded by turbo lag. It's wonderful to weave around town in the thing. Holy brakes, Batman!! The car stops hard!

There's not much lag at all from the turbo, and it gets the car up to speed very quickly. Nothing like an STi or Evo, but that's not really what I was looking for anyway (could always crank up the boost later). It feels very smooth, and the blowoff valve is pretty quiet. It has enough power to deliver immense driving pleasure. It's loads of fun to drive! Full throttle in first gear, with traction control on or off, smokes the tires. Getting up to 100 mph is all too easy, and happens quickly.

Can't wait for the snow.

Not sure if you guys noticed the little "zeus" buttons on the bumper. They make removal of the entire front bumper really easy. The whole thing just pops off for easy access.

Anyhow.. hope you liked the pics.  Suzie will return for a winter update!  

Gotta get busy on the other projects. Updates coming soon. Also, a new freedomcar is coming. I'll bump to let you guys know.


Lol!! Oops... thanks for the correction. I feel dumb now 

Jay Leno drives the RRM Fiat 500! Video is long and boring, with a totally obnoxious advertisement at the beginning, but they introduce the car at 10:18, and he drives it at 21:18.

Here's the link http://www.jaylenosgarage.com/
